Women’s Health & Hormone Therapy

Women’s Health & Hormone Therapy

As women, menopause is inevitable, whether it's surgical, medical, or a natural part of aging. Surprisingly, hormonal changes can begin in the 30’s, preceding perimenopause. Hormone replacement offers diverse treatments for women of all ages, addressing aging effects like increased energy, libido, better sleep, and enhanced appearance. We are here to address your queries and find the optimal balance for you, leading to benefits such as improved mood, energy, fat loss, enhanced libido, better skin, hair, nails, and vaginal health.

Improved and
more balanced mood

Improved energy

Fat loss

Increased libido
and sexual health

Better skin,
hair, & nails

vaginal health

Female HRT

Menopause is defined by 12 months without a menstrual cycle. This cessation of period happens for most women naturally in their 40’s-50’s but can occur earlier or later or be medically or surgically induced. It is important to note that the hormone fluctuations and eventual decline that cause a period to stop can occur for several years before cycles officially end.

This era is commonly termed as perimenopause & can happen as early as a woman’s 30’s. Symptoms of perimenopause can be disruptive to self-image, relationships, & overall quality of life. Cue the opportunity for hormone replacement! Hormones, when managed & balanced appropriately, can alleviate uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, fatigue, low libido, sleep & mood changes, & weight fluctuations. There are also additional benefits such as reducing risks of osteoporosis & heart disease.

We would love to address your specific symptoms, answer your questions & help you find the right balance.

Women’s Health & Hormone Therapy

Women’s General Health

At our clinic, we provide comprehensive women’s health services, including Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap Smears), Endometrial Biopsies, IUD and Nexplanon placement, contraception surveillance, and fertility referrals.

In addition to these services, we also believe in symptom management & treating bothersome vaginal dryness, painful intercourse & urinary incontinence. You may have been told this is normal, but it is not something you should endure. We offer a variety of non-invasive treatments that are both functional & cosmetic.

Your health is our priority—contact us today for more information on these services and how we can assist you with personalized care.

Anticipated Benefits

‣ Improved and more balanced mood
‣ Improved energy
‣ Fat loss
‣ Increased libido and sexual health
‣ Better skin, hair, nails
‣ Improved vaginal health

Women’s Health & Hormone Therapy

Estrogen + Testosterone + Pellets

Estrogen + Testosterone + B12 (Weekly)
Self-Pay (Per One Syringe)


Testosterone + B12 (Bi-weekly)
Self-Pay (Per One Syringe)

*This is self-pay pricing; insurance may pay partial or full amount.

Injection Therapy

With HRT injections, we are able to change the dosage based on how you are responding to hormone replacement therapy. Regular checks to make sure you are getting the right dosage also means we can monitor and evaluate both your hormone levels and your general well-being.

Women’s Health & Hormone Therapy

Pellet Therapy

Pellets are compounded estradiol or testosterone that are made from organic plant materials, which have the exact molecular structure of those hormones found in the body. They are pressed into a solid compound that is about the size of a cooked grain of rice. Using a painless office procedure, they are inserted under the skin in the hip area. The pellets release small amounts of hormone directly into the bloodstream over a period of 3 Months.


When you schedule a consultation, you will have labs collected by one of our medical assistants or nurses. You will then visit with one of our hormone specialists. This visit will consist of a detailed history and a simple exam to evaluate your needs and identify any risk factors. When lab results have been returned to the office (typically ~1 week), you will be notified to schedule a follow-up appointment & initiate your therapy if indicated. Our practitioners will then review your lab results & provide recommendations specific to your needs.

There are many mediums for HRT but at OHWKC, we opt for the most bioavailable & efficient methods. Our primary means of HRT include injections and pellets & both will be discussed in your consultation. Both injections & pellets have reduced risks compared to oral & synthetic preparations and are typically better absorbed than topical creams. They are also dosed according to your symptoms & lab levels.

Injections are recommended to be given once per week for men receiving testosterone & bi-weekly (every other week) for women receiving estradiol and testosterone. This schedule is due to the half-life, or metabolism of the hormones. These are a great option if you are new to hormone replacement to assess how your body responds & if dose adjustments are necessary.

If you feel well managed with your doses, pellets may be another good alternative. These slow-release formulations placed under the skin allow for consistent & stable release of hormones which can reduce side effects, & half a longer half-life of 3-4 months to allow for less frequent visits. The ease of pellets for patients is unmatched as they do not have to worry about dosing or self-administration.

Pellet therapy does involve a minimally invasive office procedure for insertion. This involves an injection at the site of the insertion to numb the area and a very small incision. There is minimal discomfort and downtime and no stitches. Your provider will review the pre- and post-care instructions with you in preparation for your insertion.


A research study published in 2002 by The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) promoted poorly conclusive findings that suggested there is an increased risk for breast cancer & heart disease associated with hormone replacement. This misinformation & further medical misinterpretation has resulted in limited use of HRT by providers & fear among patients. This has ultimately had a negative impact on women’s health and their opportunity to adequately treat hormone imbalances. Fast forward two decades to the present, there has been an influx of research with improved quality and statistical significance that has disputed those original findings & more is understood about the safety & benefits of hormone replacement. Despite this new data, our traditional medical model has not yet applied these findings into practice. We believe that healthcare should reflect the most recent & highest quality evidence to guide our plan of care. With this considered, hormone replacement has been proven to provide effective management of symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause & can mitigate risk of other age-related illnesses. As with any medical treatment, review of individual risk factors and benefits should be considered. During your office visit, your provider will review your health history, symptoms and lab work and will work with you to help determine if hormone replacement therapy is right for you.

Women’s Health & Hormone Therapy

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Women’s Health & Hormone Therapy
Women’s Health & Hormone Therapy

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