Specialized Screening Panels

Specialized Screening Panels

Targeted diagnostic tests designed to detect specific health conditions, providing precise and personalized medical assessments for optimal health management.

Hormone and Stress Response

Genova Cortisol: Measures cortisol levels to assess stress response and adrenal function.

Specialized Screening Panels

Nutrition and Sensitivity

Genova Food Sensitivity+: Identifies sensitivity to various foods, aiding in dietary planning and management.


Genetic Screening

MTHFR: Tests for mutations in the MTHFR gene, which can affect folate metabolism and other health aspects.

Specialized Screening Panels

Risk Assessment

Myriad Genetic Screening: Comprehensive genetic tests to assess risk for various hereditary conditions.


Autoimmune Disorders

AVISE Autoimmune Panel: Provides detailed analysis to diagnose and manage autoimmune diseases.

Specialized Screening Panels

General Diagnostics

Pathgroup: We draw labs in office for our primary care patients for routine screenings. These samples are sent to Pathgroup labs in Nashville, couriered daily.

Specialized Screening Panels

What Our Clients Say

Specialized Screening Panels
Specialized Screening Panels

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